
Board of Directors: The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing and enforcing rules and policies that provide the best experience for players who participate in Amherst Youth Basketball.  Currently serving boys and girls in grades 3 through 12, the Board operates on the principle of providing motivation for personal and educational growth for its participants through a healthy and challenging youth basketball program.  The Board believes that all parents, players, coaches, spectators, and board members should demonstrate class, dignity, and respect for facilities, institutions, and other individuals.  These principles apply to both the house and travel components. 

It is the expectation that members of the Board will be supportive of the mission of Amherst Youth Basketball.  They are expected to be supportive of the players and coaches, while overseeing the safety and well-being of our participants.  The Board of Directors consists of a team of individuals who rely on each other.  It is expected that Board members will carry themselves in a professional and respectful fashion.  While difference of opinion are sure to arise, board members should keep disagreements impersonal and practice discretion.  In addition, it is expected that members of the board must accept and promote decisions made by the board.  Board members must be open to self-evaluation and regular review by the board in terms of their motivation, expertise, and personal commitment.

Board Positions: The board consists of the following positions, all of which are completely volunteer in nature (i.e., no financial compensation).

  • Administrative Positions: President, Treasurer, Secretary, Registrar, Scheduler, Director of Officials, and Equipment and Uniform Coordinator.
  • Coordinators: Level Coordinators, Travel Coordinator, Special Events Coordinator, and two Coordinators of Skills & Drills/Coaching Preparation. 
  • Honorary Positions: Emeritus and Special Council.
  • Voting Members (1 per person, not per position): President, Registrar, Scheduler, Director of Officials, Level Coordinators, Travel Coordinator, Special Events Coordinator.

Note that not all of these positions need to be filled.  Further, multiple positions may be filled by the same board member.  For example, a board member might hold administrative positions(s) and also be a Coordinator(s).

Executive Committee: The Executive Committeer typically handles urgent matters where time does not allow for a full board review.  Such situations often involve breaches of policy that show a blatent disrespect for other individuals, facilities, or organizations.

The Executive Committee consists of five members, determined annually.  They are President, Travel Coordinator, a Board member who is a Level Coordinator in a Boys Division, a Board member who is a Level Coordinator in a Girls Division, and an At-Large Board member.

Terms of Service:

  1. The President shall serve a 3 year term, renewable for additional terms, where the total consecutive number of years that an individual may serve as President is not to exceed 6 years.  
  2. The Treasurer shall serve a 2 year renewable term.
  3. The Secretary shall serve a 1 year renewable term.
  4. The Registrar shall serve a 2 year renewable term.
  5. The Scheduler shall serve a 2 year renewable term.
  6. The Director of Officials shall serve a 2 year renewable term.
  7. The Equipment and Uniform Coordinator shall serve a 2 year renewable term.
  8. Level Coordinators shall serve a 1 year renewable term.
  9. The Travel Coordinator shall serve a 2 year renewable term.
  10. The Special Events Coordinator shall serve a 1 year renewable term.
  11. Skills & Drills Coordinators shall serve 2 year renewable terms.

Termination of Membership on the Board: Membership may be terminated as follows.

    1. Resignation.
    2. Non-renewal by the Board of Directors.
    3. Removal by the Executive Committee, requiring 3 votes in favor of removal.
    4. Typical cause for termination include a board member representing the league in an inappropriate fashion or regularly missing board meetings.
    5. In case of resignation or termination, the President can call a special meeting to fill the vacancy.  This meeting may take place via either an ad hoc meeting or electronically, at the discretion of the President.

Eligibility for a Board Position: A sincere interest in promoting and supporting the goals and integrity of Amherst Youth Basketball.

Voting Members (1 per person, not per position): President, Registrar, Scheduler, Director of Officials, Level Coordinators, Travel Coordinator, Special Events Coordinator.

Quorum: A term defined to be greater than 50% of the (voting) Board Members.

Board Meetings: The First Board Meeting of the Year is typically held in September.  This meeting focuses on all aspects of the league that are required to initiate the new season, for which registration is typically already open.  The Second Board Meeting of the Year is typically held a few weeks before playoffs.  The focus of this meeting is preparation for playoffs and year-end player evaluations.  The Final Board Meeting of the Year is typically held several weeks after the season concludes.  The focus of this meeting is typically year-end review, preparation for summer activities, and discussions of modifications for the next season.  A final Level Coordinators meeting is held a few weeks after this Final Board Meeting.  This focus of this meeting is to review all coaches, issues of problematic players or parents, as well as any proposed rule changes for next season.

Special Meetings:  The President may call a special meeting of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee as is deemed appropriate.  Every effort will be made to give 3 days notice of such a meeting when practical.

Elections of Members to Board and Executive Committee: Elections will take place at the First Board Meeting of the Year.  Nominations must take place at least 10 days prior to the meeting by notifying the President, who shall notify the Board of the nominees at least 7 days prior to the Annual Meeting.  Elections are by majority positive vote of a quorum.

Renewals of Board Members: Renewals will be voted on at the Final Board Meeting of the Year.  It is assumed that all returning Level Coordinators will be eligible to be considered for a vote.  Renewal is by at least 2/3 positive vote of a quorum.

Amendments to Board Positions:  Amendments to Board of Directors positions may be voted on at the Annual Board meeting.  A proposal must be made at least 10 days prior by notifying the President, who will notify the Board at least 7 days prior to the Annual Board meeting.  Amendments are by majority vote of a quorum.

Board Positions: Descriptions and Responsibilities

President: Provides leadership and vision while presiding over the Board of Directors.  Acts as the representative of the league.  The public face of the league who is available to parents, players, board members, and coaches.  Serves as the interface to external organizations.  Develops agendas and presides over board meetings.  Ensures that board matters are handled properly, including preparation for meetings, committee functions, and recruitment and orientation of new board members.  Provides proposals to the board for direction and organization strength and stability.  Presides over the Executive Committee, which is charged with making decisions and handling delicate matters that require quick turnaround.  Charged with making timely decisions and serving as the point person for external negotiations.  Handles social media including managing the web site, Facebook page, and sending e-blasts to Coaches and/or Parents in order to stay in touch and provide updates.  Makes decisions on cancellation due to weather or other outside forces.

Treasurer: Keeps accurate financial records.  Issues checks to pay for league services and related expenses (refunds), as appropriate.  Provides the board with overview and detailed financial records, as appropriate and requested.

Secretary: Takes minutes during Board Meetings and distributes them electronically to all board members in a timely fashion.  Typically, the Secretary also has another Board position.

Registrar: Responsible for design and implementation of registration process.  Responsible for electronic contact of persons who are likely interested in registration.  Provides player information as needed by board members, including evaluation forms for early season evaluations by level, draft forms by level, skills and drills forms by level, team-by-team uniform sizes to the uniform coordinator, and other player and registration activities as requested by the Board.  Typically responsible for generic electronic distribution of community-based events and Special Events.  Works closely with the President during the registration period and in terms of determining electronic distribution of community-based information. Responsible for advertising in traditional media (newspaper, TV, radio), as approved by the Board and in conjunction with the President. 

Scheduler: Acquires gym time and coordinates with representatives of facilities.  Schedules gym time for divisions, typically on a monthly basis.  Schedules gym time for divisions for playoffs.  Works closely with President to coordinate relationships with facilities.

Director of Officials: Coordinates AYB needs with the appropriate Point-of-Contact for the officials. Makes sure that the POC for the officials is aware of which divisions need how many referees for various events.  Coordinates with POC any issues that need to be resolved in terms of officials.  Work with Level Coordinators and coaches in terms of education of basketball rules.

Equipment and Uniform Coordinator: Manage all equipment- and uniform-related needs.  This includes uniforms, score books, electronic clocks, ice packs, basketballs, and so forth.  Coordinate with vendors, including bids for major items.

Level Coordinators: Responsible for smooth running of a division.  Responsibilities range from coordination of draft, to working with inexperienced coaches, to mentoring coaches, to counciling coaches on their on-court demeanor, to determining the detailed schedule for practices and games based on the gym times assigned by the scheduler, to determining the playoff brackets, and so forth.

Travel Coordinator: Responsible for smooth running of the AYB travel teams.  Responsibilities include overseeing selection of players for teams, working with the coaches on appropriate schedules, acting as Point-of-Contact for AYB in terms of travel related activities, acting as liason between travel coaches, parents, and players and the Board, coordinating with our Director of Officials to make sure appropriate officials are assigned to our travel games, and so forth.

Special Events Coordinator: Serves as liason between local colleges, high schools, and related programs in order to provide AYB with opportunities to attend local games and, typically, participate in half time play and/or pre- or post-game play.  Coordinates with Level Coordinators and the external event coordinator to assure a smooth interaction with local affiliations.

Skills & Drills/Coaching Preparation Coordinators: Works with appropriate divisions to supervise Skills & Drills sessions.  Works with Level Coordinators and individual coaches to determine practice and game plans.  

Special Council: A non-voting board position to recognize contributions by an individual.  Typically, this is a recently retired board member serving as a sounding board and/or mentor to someone taking over a complex position.  Examples might include Special Council to the Registrar or Special Council to the President.

<Board Position> Emeritus: An honorary title awarded to a board member who has served with distinction during a significant time on the board, typically at least 12 years.  Nominated and voted on at any Board Meeting with standard notice.  This is a non-voting position.  It is typically, though not always, bestowed upon an individual who is stepping off of the board.  Examples might include Level Coordinator Emeritus or SEmeritus.